About Us

This site was born from the love of a good quote. The type of quote that makes a person want to take action. The kind of quote that makes a person feel alive. The type of quote that makes a person ponder a passionate subject. The kind of quote that makes you have an epiphany that no matter what your circumstances are, you are always drawn back to thinking about the quote that makes you move forward.   Wasted epiphany was created to inspire thought and encourage people to move forward with a passion. We aim to curate a broad range of quotes to inspire ideas. Some quotes are simple, while others are a bit more complex. Because once action is taken on any idea, it is no longer a wasted epiphany.

This site was born from the love of a good quote. The type of quote that makes a person want to take action. The kind of quote that makes a person feel alive. The type of quote that makes a person ponder a passionate subject. The kind of quote that makes you have an epiphany that no matter what your circumstances are, you are always drawn back to thinking about the quote that makes you move forward.

Wasted epiphany was created to inspire thought and encourage people to move forward with a passion. We aim to curate a broad range of quotes to inspire ideas. Some quotes are simple, while others are a bit more complex. Because once action is taken on any idea, it is no longer a wasted epiphany.